I tend to be much more into You Tube than Blip but I found this on an interesting blog. The blog is: http://sodacity.net/ and is kept up by a digital media professor named Morgan Schwartz. I found it by searching New Media on blogflux.com. If all goes well my home page will be on blogflux soon. Anyway, back to the point of this post. So here's the video and below are Josh Levy's comments from Blip on his video.
What Josh Levy posted on Blip about his video:
A Better World in Second Life? is a machinima documentary about how real-world activists are using the virtual world Second Life as a platform for social and political activism. In the film I meet progressive organizers and environmental, anti-war, and anti-genocide activists who are using Second Life for collaboration, organizing, advocacy, and creative work. I question the nature of activism in a virtual world, and wonder whether spending time in a virtual space necessarily moves participants toward action, or merely gives them a false sense of action and catharsis.
The film is broken up into five chapters. Each chapter is linked to on the right.
The project benefited from the help of several kind folks: please go to www.levjoy.com/betterworld/about for thank-yous and more information.
-Josh Levy
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